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The power of the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Higher Education
[Section 1 Intro 1/3] Introducing the Entrepreneurial Mindset
*NEW* Video 1.0 Course Orientation (3:41)
*NEW* Video 1.1 Welcome to the course (3:36)
Video 1.2 What is the entrepreneurial mindset? (2:38)
Video 1.3 How is the world of work changing? (3:02)
Video 1.4 How do entrepreneurs think and act? (3:27)
Video 1.5 How can you remember the key ideas about the mindset? (2:42)
Video 1.6 Do you want to go on an entrepreneurial journey? (2:33)
Video 1.7 What do you want to change? (2:30)
Self Reflection 1
Graded Quiz 1
[Section 2 Intro 2/3] Coping with change. Creating change.
*NEW* Video 2.0 Orientation - change in Higher Education (3:28)
Video 2.1 How quickly can you start to use the mindset? (2:16)
Video 2.2 How is technology changing the world of work? (4:02)
Video 2.3 How can you cope with change? (2:41)
Video 2.4 Do you want to make a difference? (2:18)
Video 2.5 Do you want to feel more empowered? (4:15)
Video 2.6 Can you lead the way? (3:21)
Video 2.7 How can entrepreneurial thinking change organisations? (3:05)
Self Reflection 2
Graded Quiz 2
[Section 3 Intro 3/3] Thinking and acting like an entrepreneur
*NEW* Video 3.0 Orientation - entrepreneurial behaviours in Higher Education (3:20)
Video 3.1 Who is your entrepreneurial role model? (2:47)
Video 3.2 How can you learn from the right role models? (2:26)
Video 3.3 How do we know what makes entrepreneurs successful? (2:49)
Video 3.4 How did we develop the MINDSET mnemonic? (2:18)
Video 3.5 What do you miss out on without an entrepreneurial mindset? (2:49)
Video 3.6 What can you gain with an entrepreneurial mindset? (2:54)
Video 3.7 What are the detailed mindset behaviours? (2:56)
Self Reflection 3
Graded Quiz 3
[Section 4] [M] Meet real needs - your first essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 4.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can meet real needs (3:12)
Video 4.1 Which people do you want to help? (3:31)
Video 4.2 What do people need? (2:54)
Video 4.3 How do you know what is needed? (3:35)
Video 4.4 How many people are you reaching? (2:50)
Video 4.5 Are you ready for how things will change over time? (3:24)
Video 4.6 Do you offer good service? (3:05)
Video 4.7 What happens when you fail to meet people's needs? (3:33)
Video 4.8 How can you play you part in the big issues? (3:32)
Video 4.9 Can you aim high and keep it simple? (3:16)
Self Reflection 4
Graded Quiz 4
Practical Exercise 4
[Section 5] [I] Innovate - your second essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 5.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can innovate (4:23)
Video 5.1 Why innovate? (2:37)
Video 5.2 How can you learn to be more innovative? (2:36)
Video 5.3 Are you prepared to stand out from the crowd? (2:14)
Video 5.4 Are you asking the right questions? (4:06)
Video 5.5 Can you go beyond incremental change? (3:05)
Video 5.6 What needs to happen to support innovation? (2:43)
Video 5.7 What are the barriers to innovation? (3:35)
Video 5.8 What are the priorities? (2:50)
Video 5.9 How can you balance ambition and reality? (2:52)
Self Reflection 5
Graded Quiz 5
Practical exercise 5
[Section 6] [N] Never act unethically - your third essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 6.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can behave ethically (5:46)
Video 6.1 Is entrepreneurship always a force for good? (2:55)
Video 6.2 Which companies behave ethically? (2:49)
Video 6.3 Where can you find the best guidance? (2:31)
Video 6.4 When do you cross the line? (2:51)
Video 6.5 Can you go outside your comfort zone? (2:09)
Video 6.6 Are you playing by the rules of the game? (3:05)
Video 6.7 Can you be a role model for ethical behaviour? (2:53)
Video 6.8 What is unacceptable? (2:12)
Video 6.9 Why does ethical behaviour matter? (2:35)
Self Reflection 6
Graded Quiz 6
Practical exercise 6
[Section 7] [D] Dare to take risks - your fourth essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 7.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can take risks (5:17)
Video 7.1 Do you have to take risks? (2:19)
Video 7.2 What types of risk do entrepreneurs take? (2:33)
Video 7.3 How do we learn more about risk taking? (3:03)
Video 7.4 What risks do we take in our lives? (3:16)
Video 7.5 Do you have the stamina for risk taking? (2:21)
Video 7.6 Do you have a plan B? (1:57)
Video 7.7 Why don’t people take more risks? (2:54)
Video 7.8 How do you deal with failure? (3:01)
Video 7.9 What can we learn from extreme risk takers? (3:50)
Self Reflection 7
Graded Quiz 7
Practical exercise 7
[Section 8] [S] Sell - your fifth essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 8.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can sell (6:44)
Video 8.1 Do you see selling as important behaviour? (2:30)
Video 8.2 Can you create a compelling message? (2:27)
Video 8.3 How well can you sell your ideas? (2:50)
Video 8.4 Can you close a sale? (3:59)
Video 8.5 How can you inspire people? (4:51)
Video 8.6 Can you sell the idea of major change? (3:33)
Video 8.7 Who do you need to sell your ideas to? (4:15)
Video 8.8 Can you lead the way? (2:39)
Video 8.9 Can you take a joined up approach to selling? (3:32)
Self Reflection 8
Graded Quiz 8
Practical Exercise 8
[Section 9] [E] Exercise for productivity - your sixth essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 9.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can improve productivity (5:07)
Video 9.1 Why do you need to be more productive? (3:51)
Video 9.2 Do you work too many hours? (3:12)
Video 9.3 How do you manage your time? (3:37)
Video 9.4 How do you manage your money? (4:21)
Video 9.5 How do you manage working with other people? (4:22)
Video 9.6 How do you play to your strengths? (2:50)
Video 9.7 How do you find your way through the system? (4:56)
Video 9.8 How should you exercise for greater productivity? (3:12)
Video 9.9 Are you willing to play your part? (4:27)
Self Reflection 9
Graded Quiz 9
Practical Exercise 9
[Section 10] [T] Take the initiative - your seventh essential entrepreneurial behaviour
*NEW* Video 10.0 Orientation - how Higher Education professionals can take the initiative (4:38)
Video 10.1 How can you take the initiative? (2:50)
Video 10.2 How can you take ownership of problems and opportunities? (2:31)
Video 10.3 How can you take the lead in generating solutions? (2:59)
Video 10.4 How can you align your words and actions? (3:32)
Video 10.5 How can you overcome obstacles and keep going? (3:32)
Video 10.6 How are you going to keep people on board? (3:32)
Video 10.7 How can you believe in yourself? (4:09)
Video 10.8 How can you keep improving? (2:47)
Video 10.9 How can you shine? (3:53)
Self Reflection 10
Graded Quiz 10
Practical Exercise 10
[Section 11] Course summary and 7 take aways
Video 11.1 Take away 1 - The MINDSET mnemonic (1:32)
Video 11.2 Take away 2 - Your deeper understanding of your entrepreneurial behaviours (1:39)
Video 11.3 Take away 3 - Your ability to apply the mindset in your own personal context (2:50)
Video 11.4 Take away 4 - Your ability to progress your entrepreneurial journey (2:17)
Video 11.5 Take away 5 - Your understanding of the benefits of the entrepreneurial mindset (1:21)
Video 11.6 Take away 6 -Personalised feedback on your entrepreneurial journey (3:05)
Video 11.7 Take away 7 - Your Certificate (2:04)
Video 11.8 Summary and conclusion (1:48)
Video 10.5 How can you overcome obstacles and keep going?
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